


shrine pages
personal shrines for stuff i like<3

nostalgia(WIP) | asaquarium(WIP) | tba

    "people have seemed to her like coloured shapes, not real at all. at times a person will make eye contact with her […] and she’ll be shocked briefly into the realisation that this is in fact her life, that she is actually visible to people."
    "he wishes he knew how other people conducted their private lives, so that he could copy from example."
    "you're nothing but a liar... and when they see the truth... they'll hate you as much as you hate yourself."
    "i made the decision to consider my feelings more. and you need to pick up the things you feel are important."
    "don’t focus on the negatives, don’t surpress yourself. you’re the one who holds the key to maximise your potential."
    "do you need to be special to feel okay?"
    "i hope you can find some peace... or you know... some happiness."
    "we’re fighting for the sake of our own wishes. if we die and no one notices or remembers us, that's just the way it is."
    "a person becomes naïve if they're too kind. careless if they're too bold. and no matter how hard you try to protect others, there's no gratitude. those who can't comprehend such things aren't fit to be magical girls.">
    "what is my life for and what am i going to do with it? i don’t know and i’m afraid."
    "starting tomorrow, i’ll look everyone in the eye. starting tomorrow, i’ll listen to everyone’s voice. starting tomorrow… i’ll do everything properly."
    "nothing’s changed. you’ll go home. you’ll be bored. you’ll be ignored. no one will listen to you, really listen to you."
    "the universe is so much bigger than you realise."